High-sensitivity cytokine and chemokine assays

Sapient leverages NULISA™ panels and assays to capture subtle changes in the low-abundance portion of the proteome, including cytokines, chemokines, and neuroinflammatory mediators.

Ultra-high sensitivity at multiplex scale.

Sapient is a Certified Service Provider for Alamar Biosciences’ NULISA™ assays on the ARGO® HT System. These assays complement and extend our mass spectrometry-based targeted proteomics services by enabling detection of hard-to-assay cytokines, chemokines, and neuroinflammatory mediators in biofluid samples.

The NULISA platform uses a proprietary sequential immunocomplex capture and release technique to improve the sensitivity of traditional proximity ligation assays by over a thousand-fold to attomolar levels – allowing for highly quantitative measures of low-abundance proteins that are not amenable to mass spectrometry measure.

NULISAseq™ Inflammation Panels

Profiles 250+ biomarkers of inflammation and immune response, including 150+ with absolute quantification.

CNS Disease Panel 120

Detects 120+ biomarkers of CNS disease, including
neuro-specific proteins.

Single-Plex & Custom Assays

Sapient can develop an assay for your protein of interest using Alamar’s platform.

Expertise and assays to cover the wide dynamic range of proteins in plasma.

Through NULISA panels and assays, Sapient can provide highly quantitative measures of low-abundance proteins that are important modulators of immune processes. This complements our mass spectrometry-based (MS) proteomics in several ways by enabling:

  • Measure key cytokines and chemokines that are hard to detect via MS
  • Cross-validation of MS measures from discovery proteomics screenings with precise quantitation of discovered biomarkers and drug targets.
cytokine assay services

Sapient is additionally working closely with Alamar to offer NULISAseq assays under regulated guidance, including CAP/CLIA and GCLP – further extending our multi-omics services for clinical development.

Inflammation Panels

With attomolar sensitivity and 12 logs of dynamic range, the NULISAseq Inflammation Panel 250 profiles 250+ biomarkers of inflammation and immune response from a single 10μl sample, including low-abundance cytokines such as IL4, IL5, IL17, and IL33. It offers unmatched detectability of the most relevant cytokine and chemokine inflammation targets in blood-based and CSF biofluids.

Sapient also offers the the NULISAseq Inflammation Panel AQ for absolute quantification of 150+ of these key protein biomarkers. With 99% quantifiability in normal samples, this panel allows for detection of subtle changes related to disease progression or therapeutic response.

Sapient houses the Alamar ARGO HT instrument in our discovery lab to perform NULISAseq analyses.
The NULISAseq CNS Disease Panel 120 enables robust profiling of biomarkers of neurodegenerative disease progression and therapeutic response at the lowest limit of detection.

CNS Disease Panel 120

This panel provides best-in-class sensitivity and robust, multiplexed analysis of 120+ neuro-specific and inflammatory proteins associated with neurodegenerative disorders in plasma and CSF.

The panel includes important proteins such as p-tau217, GFAP, NfL, and alpha- synuclein and enables measure of changes in key inflammatory pathways, supporting protein biomarker discovery and validation for CNS diseases. Results are highly reproducible, with median CV <10%, even at multiplexing scale.

Single-Plex and Custom Assays using the NULISA Platform

Sapient also offers NULISAqpcr™ single-plex assays with qPCR readout as well as custom development of bespoke assays for your key low-abundance proteins of interest. Tap our deep expertise in assay development and NULISA technologies to obtain robust measures for difficult-to-assay cytokines, chemokines, and inflammatory mediators.
cytokine assay cytokine assays

Read the Nature Communications paper demonstrating NULISA performance.

Learn about Alamar’s novel NUcleic acid-Linked Immuno-Sandwich Assay (NULISA) and how it enables:

  • Attomolar-level sensitivity driven by an ~10,000-fold reduction in assay background compared to traditional proximity ligation assays
  • Highly multiplexed quantification of both low- and high-abundance proteins
  • Measure of protein changes with up to 12 logs dynamic range in a single sample without dilution

Request a NULISA panel or assay using the form.

For questions or to discuss a specific project, we encourage you to book a time to talk to our scientific team.

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