Multi-omics biomarker discovery to power precision drug development.

We amplify your ability to identify novel biomarkers that can accelerate your medicines to market.

Biomarkers have been shown to improve drug approval rates by 2-10x. Our services help you scale your biomarker discovery capacity beyond genomics, enabling large-scale identification, validation, and translation of dynamic biomarkers for precision-guided drug development.

More measures per sample, across more samples.

Thousands of metabolites, lipids, and proteins can be captured in every sample, across thousands of samples at a time.

More novel insights with multi-omics analyses.

Our high throughput capacity generates insights at scale, including an integrative biocomputational framework to map key biomarkers and their associations.

More confidence with biological cross-validation.

We tap our longitudinal database of multi-dimensional measures in tens of thousands of biosamples to cross-validate discoveries in independent human samples.

One discovery partner through development.

From early discovery to development of CLIA assays, we can provide multi-omics services to support your drug candidate’s advancement through the R&D pipeline.

multi-omics drug development CRO

Any phase, any disease area, any drug modality.

Our services are disease- and drug modality-agnostic, spanning the entire drug development spectrum from profiling cells and media, to preclinical models, through to clinical implementation in Phase I, II, III and even Phase IV programs.

Our technologies and approaches can be applied in many different ways to de-risk development and accelerate promising drugs, with the ultimate goal of identifying biomarkers that can be used to align the right patient, with the right disease, with the right therapy.

Join the post-genomics revolution.

The vast majority of biomarker discovery for drug development has focused on genomics, yet >80% of disease risk is non-genetic.

With large-scale profiling of small molecule biomarkers, which read out genetic and non-genetic influences, we can help you improve disease understanding and in turn, the precision and efficacy of treatments.

discovery proteomics services for drug development

Deeply profile the plasma and tissue proteome with the specificity of peptide-level measures.

Proteins, like metabolites and lipids, are dynamic indicators of health, disease, and drug response. We profile these biomarkers with a breadth and depth of measure, capturing multi-omics insights to accelerate development.

Sapient’s innovative discovery proteomics solution allows you to scale protein coverage and throughput to meet your specific requirements, across matrices, while achieving high analytical specificity via mass spectrometry-based measure of thousands of proteins, including proteoforms.

multi-omics data analysis for drug development

Gain actionable insights through deep biocomputational analysis.

We offer biopharma customers the collaborative expertise of our data science team, who are skilled in integrative analyses of large-scale, multi-omics datasets.

They help to interpret the data we generate to identify biologically significant biomarkers of interest, for example of drug response, target engagement, or responders vs. non-responders. They can also cross-validate key biomarkers by mining our Human Biology Database with data from 56,000+ biosamples.

metabolomics custom assay proteomics custom assay

Tap our field-leading expertise in complex measurements to fit your study needs.

Precision medicine often requires tailored approaches. We can often provide solutions for difficult-to-measure biomarkers, or will work with you to define the ideal profiling approach based on your samples and study objectives.

Through our CLIA-certified, CAP-accredited clinical laboratory, we can also support the development of CLIA assays.

Ready to discover more?

Connect with our scientists to discuss your project or the biological questions you want to answer. We’re here to help you apply robust, creative omics approaches at any phase of development.

multi-omics drug development CRO lab