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Digital Download Center

Access digital copies of Sapient's resources describing our biomarker discovery services and applications, as well as key research findings.

mass spectrometry lab

Fact Sheets

Sapient Overview: Multi-Omics Biomarker Discovery

Discovery Metabolomics & Lipidomics Services

Discovery Proteomics Services

Metabolite Identification Capabilities

Target Proteomics Services

Target Metabolite & Lipid Panels

Human Biology Database Validation

Chemistries Captured and Methods Used

World Microbiome Database

Application Notes & Articles

Cell Surface Proteomics for T Cell Engagers: Deep Profiling of TAAs

Protein Degrader Proteomics for PROTACs and Molecular Glues

Cell Surface Proteomics for Radioligand Therapies: Profiling Cancer Cell Receptors

Cell Surface Proteomics for ADC Development: Deep Profiling of TAAs

Dynamic biomarkers to optimize bioprocessing: scale up cell line productivity

Advancing Population Health insights with the addition of dynamic biomarkers

Discovery of TE & PD biomarkers to advance antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) development

How metabolomics can enrich preclinical safety studies

Thinking outside the brain to advance CNS drug development

Discovery of biomarker to predict immunotherapy related autoimmunity

Mapping metabolic changes for diabetes prediction using ML

Be more specific: solving the specificity challenge in metabolomics

Biomarker-guided assessment of clinical trial dynamics