Isoform Short of Very low-density lipoprotein receptor;Very low-density lipoprotein receptor;Very low-density lipoprotein receptor

Multifunctional cell surface receptor that binds VLDL and transports it into cells by endocytosis and therefore plays an important role in energy metabolism. Binds also to a wide range of other molecules including Reelin/RELN or apolipoprotein E/APOE-containing ligands as well as clusterin/CLU (PubMed:24381170, PubMed:30873003). In the off-state of the pathway, forms homooligomers or heterooligomers with LRP8 (PubMed:30873003). Upon binding to ligands, homooligomers are rearranged to higher order receptor clusters that transmit the extracellular RELN signal to intracellular signaling processes by binding to DAB1 (PubMed:30873003). This interaction results in phosphorylation of DAB1 leading to the ultimate cell responses required for the correct positioning of newly generated neurons. Later, mediates a stop signal for migrating neurons, preventing them from entering the marginal zone (By similarity). ; (Microbial infection) Acts as a receptor for Semliki Forest virus.

Matrix Type

  • Plasma
  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol


UniProt ID

  • P98155

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