Tubulinyl-Tyr carboxypeptidase 1; Isoform 2 of Tubulinyl-Tyr carboxypeptidase 1

Tyrosine carboxypeptidase that removes the C-terminal tyrosine residue of alpha-tubulin, thereby regulating microtubule dynamics and function (PubMed:29146869, PubMed:31171830, PubMed:31235910, PubMed:31235911, PubMed:31270470). Critical for spindle function and accurate chromosome segregation during mitosis since microtubule detyronisation regulates mitotic spindle length and postioning (PubMed:31171830). Acts as an angiogenesis inhibitor: inhibits migration, proliferation and network formation by endothelial cells as well as angiogenesis (PubMed:15467828, PubMed:16488400, PubMed:16707096, PubMed:19204325). This inhibitory effect is selective to endothelial cells as it does not affect the migration of smooth muscle cells or fibroblasts (PubMed:15467828, PubMed:16488400, PubMed:16707096).

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • VASH1

UniProt ID

  • Q7L8A9

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