Versatile protein that is involved in regulation of different cellular pathways implicated in membrane trafficking. Involved in regulation of the COPI-dependent retrograde transport from Golgi and the endoplasmic reticulum by associating with the NRZ complex; the function is dependent on its binding to phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate (PtdIns(3)P) (PubMed:16799551, PubMed:18552835, PubMed:20643123, PubMed:24056303, PubMed:28306502). During autophagy acts as a regulatory subunit of the alternative PI3K complex II (PI3KC3-C2) that mediates formation of phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate and is believed to be involved in maturation of autophagosomes and endocytosis. Activates lipid kinase activity of PIK3C3 (PubMed:16799551, PubMed:20643123, PubMed:24056303, PubMed:28306502). Involved in the regulation of degradative endocytic trafficking and cytokinesis, and in regulation of ATG9A transport from the Golgi to the autophagosome; the functions seems to implicate its association with PI3KC3-C2 (PubMed:16799551, PubMed:20643123, PubMed:24056303). Involved in maturation of autophagosomes and degradative endocytic trafficking independently of BECN1 but depending on its association with a class C Vps complex (possibly the HOPS complex); the association is also proposed to promote autophagosome recruitment and activation of Rab7 and endosome-endosome fusion events (PubMed:18552835, PubMed:28306502). Enhances class C Vps complex (possibly HOPS complex) association with a SNARE complex and promotes fusogenic SNARE complex formation during late endocytic membrane fusion (PubMed:24550300). In case of negative-strand RNA virus infection is required for efficient virus entry, promotes endocytic transport of virions and is implicated in a VAMP8-specific fusogenic SNARE complex assembly (PubMed:24550300). ; Involved in maintaining chromosomal stability. Promotes DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair by association with DNA-dependent protein kinase complex DNA-PK and activating it in non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) (PubMed:22542840). Required for centrosome stability and proper chromosome segregation (PubMed:22542840).

Associated with:

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol


UniProt ID

  • Q9P2Y5

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