Accepts ubiquitin from the E1 complex and catalyzes its covalent attachment to other proteins (PubMed:22496338). In vitro catalyzes ‘Lys-48’-linked polyubiquitination (PubMed:20061386). Mediates the selective degradation of short-lived and abnormal proteins. Functions in the E6/E6-AP-induced ubiquitination of p53/TP53. Mediates ubiquitination of PEX5 and auto-ubiquitination of STUB1, TRAF6 and TRIM63/MURF1 (PubMed:18042044, PubMed:18359941). Ubiquitinates STUB1-associated HSP90AB1 in vitro (PubMed:18042044). Lacks inherent specificity for any particular lysine residue of ubiquitin (PubMed:18042044). Essential for viral activation of IRF3 (PubMed:19854139). Mediates polyubiquitination of CYP3A4 (PubMed:19103148).

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • UBE2D1

UniProt ID

  • P51668

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