Splicing factor U2AF 65 kDa subunit; Isoform 2 of Splicing factor U2AF 65 kDa subunit

Plays a role in pre-mRNA splicing and 3′-end processing (PubMed:17024186). By recruiting PRPF19 and the PRP19C/Prp19 complex/NTC/Nineteen complex to the RNA polymerase II C-terminal domain (CTD), and thereby pre-mRNA, may couple transcription to splicing (PubMed:21536736). Induces cardiac troponin-T (TNNT2) pre-mRNA exon inclusion in muscle. Regulates the TNNT2 exon 5 inclusion through competition with MBNL1. Binds preferentially to a single-stranded structure within the polypyrimidine tract of TNNT2 intron 4 during spliceosome assembly. Required for the export of mRNA out of the nucleus, even if the mRNA is encoded by an intron-less gene. Represses the splicing of MAPT/Tau exon 10. Positively regulates pre-mRNA 3′-end processing by recruiting the CFIm complex to cleavage and polyadenylation signals (PubMed:17024186).

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • U2AF2

UniProt ID

  • P26368

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