DNA repair enzyme that can remove a variety of covalent adducts from DNA through hydrolysis of a 3′-phosphodiester bond, giving rise to DNA with a free 3′ phosphate. Catalyzes the hydrolysis of dead-end complexes between DNA and the topoisomerase I active site tyrosine residue. Hydrolyzes 3′-phosphoglycolates on protruding 3′ ends on DNA double-strand breaks due to DNA damage by radiation and free radicals. Acts on blunt-ended double-strand DNA breaks and on single-stranded DNA. Has low 3’exonuclease activity and can remove a single nucleoside from the 3’end of DNA and RNA molecules with 3’hydroxyl groups. Has no exonuclease activity towards DNA or RNA with a 3’phosphate.

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • TDP1

UniProt ID

  • Q9NUW8

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