Poly-ADP-ribosyltransferase involved in various processes such as Wnt signaling pathway, telomere length and vesicle trafficking (PubMed:10988299, PubMed:11739745, PubMed:16076287, PubMed:19759537, PubMed:21478859, PubMed:22864114, PubMed:23622245, PubMed:25043379, PubMed:28619731). Acts as an activator of the Wnt signaling pathway by mediating poly-ADP-ribosylation (PARsylation) of AXIN1 and AXIN2, 2 key components of the beta-catenin destruction complex: poly-ADP-ribosylated target proteins are recognized by RNF146, which mediates their ubiquitination and subsequent degradation (PubMed:19759537, PubMed:21478859). Also mediates PARsylation of BLZF1 and CASC3, followed by recruitment of RNF146 and subsequent ubiquitination (PubMed:21478859). Mediates PARsylation of TERF1, thereby contributing to the regulation of telomere length (PubMed:11739745). Involved in centrosome maturation during prometaphase by mediating PARsylation of HEPACAM2/MIKI (PubMed:22864114). May also regulate vesicle trafficking and modulate the subcellular distribution of SLC2A4/GLUT4-vesicles (PubMed:10988299). May be involved in spindle pole assembly through PARsylation of NUMA1 (PubMed:16076287). Stimulates 26S proteasome activity (PubMed:23622245).

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • TNKS

UniProt ID

  • O95271

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