Cargo receptor involved in protein vesicular trafficking and quality control in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and Golgi (PubMed:10052452, PubMed:11726511, PubMed:16641999, PubMed:17288597, PubMed:19296914, PubMed:20427317, PubMed:21219331, PubMed:27569046). The p24 protein family is a group of transmembrane proteins that bind coat protein complex I/COPI and coat protein complex II/COPII involved in vesicular trafficking between the membranes (PubMed:10052452). Acts at the lumenal side for incorporation of secretory cargo molecules into transport vesicles and involved in vesicle coat formation at the cytoplasmic side (PubMed:20427317, PubMed:27569046). Mainly functions in the early secretory pathway and cycles between the ER, ER-Golgi intermediate compartment (ERGIC) and Golgi, mediating cargo transport through COPI and COPII-coated vesicles (PubMed:10052452, PubMed:10852829, PubMed:12237308). In COPII vesicle-mediated anterograde transport, involved in the transport of GPI-anchored proteins by acting together with TMED2 as their cargo receptor; the function specifically implies SEC24C and SEC24D of the COPII vesicle coat and lipid raft-like microdomains of the ER (PubMed:20427317, PubMed:27569046). Recognizes GPI anchors structural remodeled in the ER by the GPI inositol-deacylase/PGAP1 and the metallophosphoesterase MPPE1/PGAP5 (By similarity). In COPI vesicle-mediated retrograde transport, involved in the biogenesis of COPI vesicles and vesicle coat recruitment (PubMed:11726511). Involved in trafficking of amyloid beta A4 protein and soluble APP-beta release (independent from the modulation of gamma-secretase activity) (PubMed:17288597). Involved in the KDELR2-mediated retrograde transport of the toxin A subunit (CTX-A-K63)together with COPI and the COOH terminus of KDELR2 (By similarity). On Golgi membranes, acts as a primary receptor for ARF1-GDP, a GTP-binding protein involved in COPI-vesicle formation (PubMed:11726511). Increases coatomer-dependent GTPase-activating activity of ARFGAP2 which mediates the hydrolysis of ARF1-bound GTP and therefore modulates protein trafficking from the Golgi apparatus (PubMed:19296914). Involved in the exocytic trafficking of G protein-coupled receptors F2LR1/PAR2 (trypsin and tryspin-like enzyme receptor), OPRM1 (opioid receptor) and P2RY4 (UTD and UDP receptor) from the Golgi to the plasma membrane, thus contributing to receptor resensitization (PubMed:21219331). In addition to its cargo receptor activity, may also act as a protein channel after oligomerization, facilitating the post-translational entry of leaderless cytoplasmic cargo into the ERGIC (PubMed:32272059). Involved in the translocation into ERGIC, the vesicle entry and the secretion of leaderless cargos (lacking the secretion signal sequence), including the mature form of interleukin 1/IL-1 family members, the alpha-crystallin B chain HSPB5, the carbohydrate-binding proteins galectin-1/LGALS1 and galectin-3/LGALS3, the microtubule-associated protein Tau/MAPT, and the annexin A1/ANXA1; the translocation process is dependent on cargo protein unfolding and enhanced by chaperones HSP90AB1 and HSP90B1/GRP9 (PubMed:32272059). Could also associates with the presenilin-dependent gamma-secretase complex in order to regulate gamma-cleavages of the amyloid beta A4 protein to yield amyloid-beta 40/Abeta40 (PubMed:16641999).

Associated with:

Matrix Type

  • Plasma
  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • TMED10

UniProt ID

  • P49755

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