Putative divalent cation:proton antiporter that exchanges calcium or manganese ions for protons across the Golgi membrane. Mediates the reversible transport of calcium or manganese to the Golgi lumen driven by the proton gradient and possibly the membrane potential generated by V-ATPase. Provides calcium or manganese cofactors to resident Golgi enzymes and contributes to the maintenance of an acidic luminal Golgi pH required for proper functioning of the secretory pathway (By similarity) (PubMed:22683087, PubMed:23569283, PubMed:27008884, PubMed:32047108). Promotes Ca(2+) storage within the Golgi lumen of the mammary epithelial cells to be then secreted into milk (By similarity). The transport mechanism and stoichiometry remains to be elucidated.

    Matrix Type

    • Plasma
    • Tissue/Cells

    Gene Symbol

    • TMEM165

    UniProt ID

    • Q9HC07

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