S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent rRNA methyltransferase which may methylate two specific adjacent adenosines in the loop of a conserved hairpin near the 3′-end of 12S mitochondrial rRNA (Probable). Component of the mitochondrial transcription initiation complex, composed at least of TFB2M, TFAM and POLRMT that is required for basal transcription of mitochondrial DNA (PubMed:12068295, PubMed:15526033, PubMed:20410300, PubMed:29149603). In this complex, TFAM recruits POLRMT to a specific promoter whereas TFB2M induces structural changes in POLRMT to enable promoter opening and trapping of the DNA non-template strand (PubMed:15526033, PubMed:29149603). Stimulates transcription independently of the methyltransferase activity (PubMed:12897151).

Associated with:

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • TFB2M

UniProt ID

  • Q9H5Q4

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