Isoform SV4 of Supervillin;Supervillin; Isoform 2 of Supervillin; Isoform SV3 of Supervillin; Isoform SV4 of Supervillin;Supervillin

[Isoform 1]: Forms a high-affinity link between the actin cytoskeleton and the membrane. Is among the first costameric proteins to assemble during myogenesis and it contributes to myogenic membrane structure and differentiation (PubMed:12711699). Appears to be involved in myosin II assembly. May modulate myosin II regulation through MLCK during cell spreading, an initial step in cell migration. May play a role in invadopodial function (PubMed:19109420). ; [Isoform 2]: May be involved in modulation of focal adhesions. Supervillin-mediated down-regulation of focal adhesions involves binding to TRIP6. Plays a role in cytokinesis through KIF14 interaction (By similarity).

Matrix Type

  • Plasma
  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • SVIL

UniProt ID

  • O95425
  • O95425-3
  • O95425-4

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