Transcriptional regulator that plays a role in various cellular processes including embryonic development, cell differentiation, angiogenesis and tissue homeostasis (PubMed:12064918, PubMed:16516194). Upon BMP ligand binding to their receptors at the cell surface, is phosphorylated by activated type I BMP receptors (BMPRIs) and associates with SMAD4 to form an heteromeric complex which translocates into the nucleus acting as transcription factor (PubMed:9442019). In turn, the hetero-trimeric complex recognizes cis-regulatory elements containing Smad Binding Elements (SBEs) to modulate the outcome of the signaling network (PubMed:33510867). Non-phosphorylated SMAD5 has a cytoplasmic role in energy metabolism regulation by promoting mitochondrial respiration and glycolysis in response to cytoplasmic pH changes (PubMed:28675158). Mechanistically, interacts with hexokinase 1/HK1 and thereby accelerates glycolysis (PubMed:28675158).

Matrix Type

  • Plasma
  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • SMAD5

UniProt ID

  • Q99717

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