Sigma-2 receptor which contributes to ameliorate dysfunctional cellular processes and slow degenerative progression by regulating cell functions including cholesterol biosynthesis/trafficking, membrane trafficking, autophagy, lipid membrane-bound protein trafficking, and receptor stabilization at the cell surface (Probable) (PubMed:19583955, PubMed:23922215, PubMed:25620095, PubMed:27378690, PubMed:28559337, PubMed:30443021, PubMed:34233061, PubMed:34799735, PubMed:35970844). Forms a ternary complex with PGRMC1 receptor and low density lipoprotein receptor/LDLR at the plasma membrane, which increases LDLR-mediated LDL cholesterol internalization (PubMed:30443021). Decreases lysosomal sterol transporter NPC1 availability to the cell, probably through NPC1-binding, hence controlling lipid transport, including cholesterol and LBPA, outside of late endosome/lysosome (PubMed:19583955, PubMed:27378690). Binds regio- and stereoselective ligand 20(S)-hydroxycholesterol (20(S)-OHC) which enhances TMEM97-NPC1 interaction and decreases TMEM97-PGRMC1 and TMEM97-TSPO interactions, thereby linking OHC binding to cholesterol homeostasis (PubMed:34799735, PubMed:37047353). Also able to bind cholesterol (By similarity). Binds histatin 1 (Hst 1)/HN1 salivary peptide at the ER membrane, which is critical for increasing mitochondria-ER contacts and stimulating Hst1 wound healing properties (PubMed:34233061, PubMed:35970844). May alter the activity of some cytochrome P450 proteins (PubMed:22292588). Although shows homologies with sterol isomerases (EXPERA domain), not able to catalyze sterol isomerization (Probable) (PubMed:34880501). However, may act as sensors of these molecules (Probable) (PubMed:34880501). Acts as a quality control factor in the ER, promoting the proteolytic degradation of nonproductive and extramitochondrial precursor proteins in the ER membrane thus removing them from the ER surface (By similarity).

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • TMEM97

UniProt ID

  • Q5BJF2

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