
Isoform 12 of Sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 3; Isoform 7 of Sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 3; Isoform 9 of Sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 3; Isoform 6 of Sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 3; Isoform 8 of Sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 3; Isoform 13 of Sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 3; Isoform 6 of Sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 3;Isoform 13 of Sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 3

Electroneutral sodium- and bicarbonate-dependent cotransporter with a Na(+):HCO3(-) 1:1 stoichiometry (PubMed:10347222, PubMed:12403779, PubMed:14578046, PubMed:14736710). Mediates the sodium-dependent bicarbonate transport important for pH recovery after acid load as well as for regulation of steady-state pH in the duodenum and vascular smooth muscle cells (By similarity). Plays a key role in macrophage acidification, mediating bicarbonate import into the cytoplasm which is crucial for net acid extrusion and maintenance of cytoplasmic pH during phagocytosis (PubMed:29779931). Provides cellular bicarbonate for de novo purine and pyrimidine synthesis and is a key mediator of de novo nucleotide synthesis downstream of mTORC1 signaling in proliferating cells (PubMed:35772404). ; [Isoform 6]: Plays a key role in macrophage acidification, mediating bicarbonate import into the cytoplasm which is crucial for net acid extrusion and maintenance of cytoplasmic pH during phagocytosis.

Associated with:

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • SLC4A7

UniProt ID

  • Q9Y6M7-12
  • Q9Y6M7-13
  • Q9Y6M7-6
  • Q9Y6M7-7
  • Q9Y6M7-8
  • Q9Y6M7-9

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