DNA-dependent RNA polymerase catalyzes the transcription of DNA into RNA using the four ribonucleoside triphosphates as substrates. Common component of RNA polymerases I, II and III which synthesize ribosomal RNA precursors, mRNA precursors and many functional non-coding RNAs, and small RNAs, such as 5S rRNA and tRNAs, respectively. Pol II is the central component of the basal RNA polymerase II transcription machinery. Pols are composed of mobile elements that move relative to each other. In Pol II, POLR2E/RPABC1 is part of the lower jaw surrounding the central large cleft and thought to grab the incoming DNA template.

Associated with:

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • POLR2E

UniProt ID

  • P19388

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