Downstream effector molecule for Rab11 GTPase which is involved in endocytic trafficking, cytokinesis and intracellular ciliogenesis by participating in membrane delivery (PubMed:15601896, PubMed:16148947, PubMed:17394487, PubMed:17628206, PubMed:18511905, PubMed:19327867, PubMed:20026645, PubMed:25673879, PubMed:26258637, PubMed:31204173). Recruited by Rab11 to endosomes where it links Rab11 to dynein motor complex (PubMed:20026645). The functional Rab11-RAB11FIP3-dynein complex regulates the movement of peripheral sorting endosomes (SE) along microtubule tracks toward the microtubule organizing center/centrosome, generating the endocytic recycling compartment (ERC) during interphase of cell cycle (PubMed:17394487, PubMed:20026645). Facilitates the interaction between dynein and dynactin and activates dynein processivity (PubMed:25035494). Binding with ASAP1 is needed to regulate the pericentrosomal localization of recycling endosomes (By similarity). The Rab11-RAB11FIP3 complex is also implicated in the transport during telophase of vesicles derived from recycling endosomes to the cleavage furrow via centrosome-anchored microtubules, where the vesicles function to deliver membrane during late cytokinesis and abscission (PubMed:15601896, PubMed:16148947). The recruitment of Rab11-RAB11FIP3-containing endosomes to the cleavage furrow and tethering to the midbody is co-mediated by RAB11FIP3 interaction with ARF6-exocyst and RACGAP1-MKLP1 tethering complexes (PubMed:17628206, PubMed:18511905). Also involved in the Rab11-Rabin8-Rab8 ciliogenesis cascade by facilitating the orderly assembly of a ciliary targeting complex containing Rab11, ASAP1, Rabin8/RAB3IP, RAB11FIP3 and ARF4, which directs preciliary vesicle trafficking to mother centriole and ciliogenesis initiation (PubMed:26258637, PubMed:31204173). Also promotes the activity of Rab11 and ASAP1 in the ARF4-dependent Golgi-to-cilia transport of the sensory receptor rhodopsin (PubMed:25673879). Competes with WDR44 for binding to Rab11, which controls intracellular ciliogenesis pathway (PubMed:31204173). May play a role in breast cancer cell motility by regulating actin cytoskeleton (PubMed:19327867).

Matrix Type

  • Plasma

Gene Symbol

  • RAB11FIP3

UniProt ID

  • O75154

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