Post-transcriptional repressor of mRNAs containing a conserved stem loop motif, called constitutive decay element (CDE), which is often located in the 3′-UTR, as in HMGXB3, ICOS, IER3, NFKBID, NFKBIZ, PPP1R10, TNF and in many more mRNAs. Binds to CDE and promotes mRNA deadenylation and degradation. This process does not involve miRNAs. In follicular helper T (Tfh) cells, represses of ICOS and TNFRSF4 expression, thus preventing spontaneous Tfh cell differentiation, germinal center B-cell differentiation in the absence of immunization and autoimmunity. In resting or LPS-stimulated macrophages, controls inflammation by suppressing TNF expression. Also recognizes CDE in its own mRNA and in that of paralogous RC3H1, possibly leading to feedback loop regulation (By similarity). miRNA-binding protein that regulates microRNA homeostasis. Enhances DICER-mediated processing of pre-MIR146a but reduces mature MIR146a levels through an increase of 3′ end uridylation. Both inhibits ICOS mRNA expression and they may act together to exert the suppression (PubMed:25697406). Acts as a ubiquitin E3 ligase. Pairs with E2 enzymes UBE2B, UBE2D2, UBE2E2, UBE2E3, UBE2G2, UBE2K and UBE2Q2 and produces polyubiquitin chains (PubMed:26489670). Shows the strongest activity when paired with UBE2N:UBE2V1 or UBE2N:UBE2V2 E2 complexes and generate both short and long polyubiquitin chains (PubMed:26489670). Involved in the ubiquitination of MAP3K5 (PubMed:24448648, PubMed:26489670, PubMed:29186683). Able to interact with double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) (PubMed:26489670).

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • RC3H2

UniProt ID

  • Q9HBD1

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