RNA-binding factor involved in multiple aspects of cellular processes like alternative splicing of pre-mRNA and translation regulation. Modulates alternative 5′-splice site and exon selection. Acts as a muscle cell differentiation-promoting factor. Activates exon skipping of the PTB pre-mRNA during muscle cell differentiation. Antagonizes the activity of the splicing factor PTBP1 to modulate muscle cell-specific exon selection of alpha tropomyosin. Binds to intronic pyrimidine-rich sequence of the TPM1 and MAPT pre-mRNAs. Required for the translational activation of PER1 mRNA in response to circadian clock. Binds directly to the 3′-UTR of the PER1 mRNA. Exerts a suppressive activity on Cap-dependent translation via binding to CU-rich responsive elements within the 3’UTR of mRNAs, a process increased under stress conditions or during myocytes differentiation. Recruits EIF4A1 to stimulate IRES-dependent translation initiation in respons to cellular stress. Associates to internal ribosome entry segment (IRES) in target mRNA species under stress conditions. Plays a role for miRNA-guided RNA cleavage and translation suppression by promoting association of AGO2-containing miRNPs with their cognate target mRNAs. Associates with miRNAs during muscle cell differentiation. Binds preferentially to 5′-CGCGCG[GCA]-3′ motif in vitro.

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • RBM4

UniProt ID

  • Q9BWF3

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