Substrate-binding subunit of the Rab geranylgeranyltransferase (GGTase) complex. Binds unprenylated Rab proteins and presents the substrate peptide to the catalytic component B composed of RABGGTA and RABGGTB, and remains bound to it after the geranylgeranyl transfer reaction. The component A is thought to be regenerated by transferring its prenylated Rab back to the donor membrane. Besides, a pre-formed complex consisting of CHM and the Rab GGTase dimer (RGGT or component B) can bind to and prenylate Rab proteins; this alternative pathway is proposed to be the predominant pathway for Rab protein geranylgeranylation.

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • CHM

UniProt ID

  • P24386

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