Dephosphorylates a range of proteins, and thereby regulates cellular signaling cascades (PubMed:18559503). Dephosphorylates cellular tyrosine kinases, such as ERBB2 and PTK2B/PYK2, and thereby regulates signaling via ERBB2 and PTK2B/PYK2 (PubMed:17329398, PubMed:27134172). Selectively dephosphorylates ERBB2 phosphorylated at ‘Tyr-1112’, ‘Tyr-1196’, and/or ‘Tyr-1248’ (PubMed:27134172).

Matrix Type

  • Plasma
  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • PTPN12

UniProt ID

  • Q05209

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