Isoform A of Proline/serine-rich coiled-coil protein 1; Isoform B of Proline/serine-rich coiled-coil protein 1;Proline/serine-rich coiled-coil protein 1

Required for normal progression through mitosis. Required for normal congress of chromosomes at the metaphase plate, and for normal rate of chromosomal segregation during anaphase. Plays a role in the regulation of mitotic spindle dynamics. Increases the rate of turnover of microtubules on metaphase spindles, and contributes to the generation of normal tension across sister kinetochores. Recruits KIF2A and ANKRD53 to the mitotic spindle and spindle poles. May participate in p53/TP53-regulated growth suppression.

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • PSRC1

UniProt ID

  • Q6PGN9
  • Q6PGN9-3

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