Recruits the serine/threonine-protein phosphatase PPP1CA to prevents excessive phosphorylation of the translation initiation factor eIF-2A/EIF2S1, thereby reversing the shut-off of protein synthesis initiated by stress-inducible kinases and facilitating recovery of cells from stress (PubMed:26095357, PubMed:26742780). Down-regulates the TGF-beta signaling pathway by promoting dephosphorylation of TGFB1 by PP1 (PubMed:14718519). May promote apoptosis by inducing p53/TP53 phosphorylation on ‘Ser-15′ (PubMed:14635196). Plays an essential role in autophagy by tuning translation during starvation, thus enabling lysosomal biogenesis and a sustained autophagic flux (PubMed:32978159). Acts also a viral restriction factor by attenuating HIV-1 replication (PubMed:31778897). Mechanistically, mediates the inhibition of HIV-1 TAR RNA-mediated translation (PubMed:31778897). ; (Microbial infection) Promotes enterovirus 71 replication by mediating the internal ribosome entry site (IRES) activity of viral 5’-UTR.

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • PPP1R15A

UniProt ID

  • O75807

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