Has a ubiquitin-protein ligase activity acting as an E3 ubiquitin protein ligase or as an ubiquitin-ubiquitin ligase promoting elongation of ubiquitin chains on substrates. By mediating ‘Lys-48’-linked polyubiquitination of proteins could target them for proteasomal degradation (PubMed:11435423). May also function as a chaperone, playing a role in transport to the cell membrane of BSG/Basigin for instance (PubMed:15946952). Probable inactive PPIase with no peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase activity (PubMed:20676357). As a component of the minor spliceosome, involved in the splicing of U12-type introns in pre-mRNAs (Probable).

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • PPIL2

UniProt ID

  • Q13356

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