Multifunctional procollagen lysine hydroxylase and glycosyltransferase LH3

Multifunctional enzyme that catalyzes a series of essential post-translational modifications on Lys residues in procollagen (PubMed:11956192, PubMed:12475640, PubMed:18298658, PubMed:18834968, PubMed:30089812). Plays a redundant role in catalyzing the formation of hydroxylysine residues in -Xaa-Lys-Gly- sequences in collagens (PubMed:11956192, PubMed:12475640, PubMed:18298658, PubMed:18834968, PubMed:30089812, PubMed:9582318, PubMed:9724729). Plays a redundant role in catalyzing the transfer of galactose onto hydroxylysine groups, giving rise to galactosyl 5-hydroxylysine (PubMed:12475640, PubMed:18298658, PubMed:18834968, PubMed:30089812). Has an essential role by catalyzing the subsequent transfer of glucose moieties, giving rise to 1,2-glucosylgalactosyl-5-hydroxylysine residues (PubMed:10934207, PubMed:11896059, PubMed:11956192, PubMed:12475640, PubMed:18298658, PubMed:18834968, PubMed:30089812). Catalyzes hydroxylation and glycosylation of Lys residues in the MBL1 collagen-like domain, giving rise to hydroxylysine and 1,2-glucosylgalactosyl-5-hydroxylysine residues (PubMed:25419660). Essential for normal biosynthesis and secretion of type IV collagens (Probable) (PubMed:18834968). Essential for normal formation of basement membranes (By similarity).

Matrix Type

  • Plasma
  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • PLOD3

UniProt ID

  • O60568

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