Plays a role in ciliogenesis. ; [Isoform 1]: Pericentriolar protein required to maintain mitotic spindle pole integrity (PubMed:21224392). Required for the centrosomal accumulation of PCM1 and the recruitment of centriolar satellite proteins such as BBS4. Via association with PCM1 may be involved in primary cilia formation (PubMed:23110211). Required for CEP63 centrosomal localization and its interaction with WDR62. Together with CEP63 promotes centriole duplication. Promotes the centrosomal localization of CDK2 (PubMed:26297806). ; [Isoform 4]: The secreted form is a mediator of progesterone that by acting on the phospholipase A2 enzyme interferes with arachidonic acid metabolism, induces a Th2 biased immune response, and by controlling decidual natural killer cells (NK) activity exerts an anti-abortive effect (PubMed:12516630, PubMed:14634107, PubMed:3863495). Increases the production of Th2-type cytokines by signaling via the JAK/STAT pathway. Activates STAT6 and inhibits STAT4 phosphorylation. Signaling via a not identified receptor seems to implicate IL4R and a GPI-anchored protein (PubMed:16393965, PubMed:25218441).

Matrix Type

  • Plasma
  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • PIBF1

UniProt ID

  • Q8WXW3

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