Component of a progesterone-binding protein complex (PubMed:28396637). Binds progesterone (PubMed:25675345). Has many reported cellular functions (heme homeostasis, interaction with CYPs). Required for the maintenance of uterine histoarchitecture and normal female reproductive lifespan (By similarity). Intracellular heme chaperone. Regulates heme synthesis via interactions with FECH and acts as a heme donor for at least some hemoproteins (PubMed:27599036). Forms a ternary complex with TMEM97 receptor and low density lipid receptor/LDLR, which increases LDLR-mediated LDL lipoprotein internalization (PubMed:30443021).

Matrix Type

  • Plasma
  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • PGRMC1

UniProt ID

  • O00264

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