Catalyzes the NAD-dependent dehydrogenation (oxidation) of a broad array of hydroxylated polyunsaturated fatty acids (mainly eicosanoids and docosanoids, including prostaglandins, lipoxins and resolvins), yielding their corresponding keto (oxo) metabolites (PubMed:10837478, PubMed:16757471, PubMed:16828555, PubMed:21916491, PubMed:25586183, PubMed:8086429). Decreases the levels of the pro-proliferative prostaglandins such as prostaglandin E2 (whose activity is increased in cancer because of an increase in the expression of cyclooxygenase 2) and generates oxo-fatty acid products that can profoundly influence cell function by abrogating pro-inflammatory cytokine expression (PubMed:15574495, PubMed:25586183). Converts resolvins E1, D1 and D2 to their oxo products, which represents a mode of resolvin inactivation. Resolvin E1 plays important roles during the resolution phase of acute inflammation, while resolvins D1 and D2 have a unique role in obesity-induced adipose inflammation (PubMed:16757471, PubMed:22844113).

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • HPGD

UniProt ID

  • P15428

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