Poly(rC)-binding protein 2;Isoform 3 of Poly(rC)-binding protein 2;Isoform 4 of Poly(rC)-binding protein 2

Single-stranded nucleic acid binding protein that binds preferentially to oligo dC (PubMed:12414943, PubMed:7607214). Major cellular poly(rC)-binding protein (PubMed:12414943). Binds also poly(rU) (PubMed:12414943). Acts as a negative regulator of antiviral signaling (PubMed:19881509, PubMed:35322803). Negatively regulates cellular antiviral responses mediated by MAVS signaling (PubMed:19881509). It acts as an adapter between MAVS and the E3 ubiquitin ligase ITCH, therefore triggering MAVS ubiquitination and degradation (PubMed:19881509). Negativeley regulates the cGAS-STING pathway via interaction with CGAS, preventing the formation of liquid-like droplets in which CGAS is activated (PubMed:35322803). Together with PCBP1, required for erythropoiesis, possibly by regulating mRNA splicing (By similarity). ; (Microbial infection) In case of infection by poliovirus, binds to the viral internal ribosome entry site (IRES) and stimulates the IRES-mediated translation (PubMed:12414943, PubMed:24371074). Also plays a role in initiation of viral RNA replication in concert with the viral protein 3CD (PubMed:12414943).

Matrix Type

  • Plasma
  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • PCBP2

UniProt ID

  • Q15366
  • Q15366-3
  • Q15366-4

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