Plays a critical role in homologous recombination repair (HRR) through its ability to recruit BRCA2 and RAD51 to DNA breaks (PubMed:16793542, PubMed:19369211, PubMed:19423707, PubMed:22941656, PubMed:24141787, PubMed:28319063). Strongly stimulates the DNA strand-invasion activity of RAD51, stabilizes the nucleoprotein filament against a disruptive BRC3-BRC4 polypeptide and helps RAD51 to overcome the suppressive effect of replication protein A (RPA) (PubMed:20871615). Functionally cooperates with RAD51AP1 in promoting of D-loop formation by RAD51 (PubMed:20871616). Serves as the molecular scaffold in the formation of the BRCA1-PALB2-BRCA2 complex which is essential for homologous recombination (PubMed:19369211). Via its WD repeats is proposed to scaffold a HR complex containing RAD51C and BRCA2 which is thought to play a role in HR-mediated DNA repair (PubMed:24141787). Essential partner of BRCA2 that promotes the localization and stability of BRCA2 (PubMed:16793542). Also enables its recombinational repair and checkpoint functions of BRCA2 (PubMed:16793542). May act by promoting stable association of BRCA2 with nuclear structures, allowing BRCA2 to escape the effects of proteasome-mediated degradation (PubMed:16793542). Binds DNA with high affinity for D loop, which comprises single-stranded, double-stranded and branched DNA structures (PubMed:20871616). May play a role in the extension step after strand invasion at replication-dependent DNA double-strand breaks; together with BRCA2 is involved in both POLH localization at collapsed replication forks and DNA polymerization activity (PubMed:24485656).

Associated with:

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • PALB2

UniProt ID

  • Q86YC2

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