Serine/threonine protein kinase that plays a role in a variety of different signaling pathways including cytoskeleton regulation, cell motility, cell cycle progression, apoptosis or proliferation (PubMed:12853446, PubMed:16617111, PubMed:19273597, PubMed:19923322, PubMed:33693784, PubMed:7744004, PubMed:9171063). Acts as a downstream effector of the small GTPases CDC42 and RAC1 (PubMed:7744004). Activation by the binding of active CDC42 and RAC1 results in a conformational change and a subsequent autophosphorylation on several serine and/or threonine residues (PubMed:7744004). Full-length PAK2 stimulates cell survival and cell growth (PubMed:7744004). Phosphorylates MAPK4 and MAPK6 and activates the downstream target MAPKAPK5, a regulator of F-actin polymerization and cell migration (PubMed:21317288). Phosphorylates JUN and plays an important role in EGF-induced cell proliferation (PubMed:21177766). Phosphorylates many other substrates including histone H4 to promote assembly of H3.3 and H4 into nucleosomes, BAD, ribosomal protein S6, or MBP (PubMed:21724829). Phosphorylates CASP7, thereby preventing its activity (PubMed:21555521, PubMed:27889207). Additionally, associates with ARHGEF7 and GIT1 to perform kinase-independent functions such as spindle orientation control during mitosis (PubMed:19273597, PubMed:19923322). On the other hand, apoptotic stimuli such as DNA damage lead to caspase-mediated cleavage of PAK2, generating PAK-2p34, an active p34 fragment that translocates to the nucleus and promotes cellular apoptosis involving the JNK signaling pathway (PubMed:12853446, PubMed:16617111, PubMed:9171063). Caspase-activated PAK2 phosphorylates MKNK1 and reduces cellular translation (PubMed:15234964).

Matrix Type

  • Plasma
  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • PAK2

UniProt ID

  • Q13177

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