Metalloprotease that is part of the quality control system in the inner membrane of mitochondria (PubMed:20038677, PubMed:25605331, PubMed:32132706, PubMed:32132707). Activated in response to various mitochondrial stress, leading to the proteolytic cleavage of target proteins, such as OPA1, UQCC3 and DELE1 (PubMed:20038677, PubMed:25275009, PubMed:32132706, PubMed:32132707). Involved in the fusion of the mitochondrial inner membranes by mediating cleavage of OPA1 at S1 position, generating the soluble OPA1 (S-OPA1), which cooperates with the membrane form (L-OPA1) to coordinate the fusion of mitochondrial inner membranes (PubMed:31922487). Following stress conditions that induce loss of mitochondrial membrane potential, mediates cleavage of OPA1, leading to excess production of soluble OPA1 (S-OPA1) and negative regulation of mitochondrial fusion (PubMed:20038677, PubMed:25275009). Involved in mitochondrial safeguard in response to transient mitochondrial membrane depolarization (flickering) by catalyzing cleavage of OPA1, leading to excess production of S-OPA1, preventing mitochondrial hyperfusion (By similarity). Also acts as a regulator of apoptosis: upon BAK and BAX aggregation, mediates cleavage of OPA1, leading to the remodeling of mitochondrial cristae and allowing the release of cytochrome c from mitochondrial cristae (PubMed:25275009). In depolarized mitochondria, may also act as a backup protease for PINK1 by mediating PINK1 cleavage and promoting its subsequent degradation by the proteasome (PubMed:30733118). May also cleave UQCC3 in response to mitochondrial depolarization (PubMed:25605331). Also acts as an activator of the integrated stress response (ISR): in response to mitochondrial stress, mediates cleavage of DELE1 to generate the processed form of DELE1 (S-DELE1), which translocates to the cytosol and activates EIF2AK1/HRI to trigger the ISR (PubMed:32132706, PubMed:32132707). Its role in mitochondrial quality control is essential for regulating lipid metabolism as well as to maintain body temperature and energy expenditure under cold-stress conditions (By similarity). Binds cardiolipin, possibly regulating its protein turnover (By similarity). Required for the stability of the respiratory supercomplexes (By similarity).

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • OMA1

UniProt ID

  • Q96E52

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