Receptor that mediates the recognition, internalization and degradation of oxidatively modified low density lipoprotein (oxLDL) by vascular endothelial cells. OxLDL is a marker of atherosclerosis that induces vascular endothelial cell activation and dysfunction, resulting in pro-inflammatory responses, pro-oxidative conditions and apoptosis. Its association with oxLDL induces the activation of NF-kappa-B through an increased production of intracellular reactive oxygen and a variety of pro-atherogenic cellular responses including a reduction of nitric oxide (NO) release, monocyte adhesion and apoptosis. In addition to binding oxLDL, it acts as a receptor for the HSP70 protein involved in antigen cross-presentation to naive T-cells in dendritic cells, thereby participating in cell-mediated antigen cross-presentation. Also involved in inflammatory process, by acting as a leukocyte-adhesion molecule at the vascular interface in endotoxin-induced inflammation. Also acts as a receptor for advanced glycation end (AGE) products, activated platelets, monocytes, apoptotic cells and both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. ; (Microbial infection) May serve as a receptor for adhesin A variant 3 (nadA) of N.meningitidis.

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • OLR1

UniProt ID

  • P78380

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