Isoform D of Nuclear factor of activated T-cells 5; Isoform A of Nuclear factor of activated T-cells 5; Isoform E of Nuclear factor of activated T-cells 5;Nuclear factor of activated T-cells 5

Transcription factor involved, among others, in the transcriptional regulation of osmoprotective and inflammatory genes. Binds the DNA consensus sequence 5′-[ACT][AG]TGGAAA[CAT]A[TA][ATC][CA][ATG][GT][GAC][CG][CT]-3′ (PubMed:10377394). Mediates the transcriptional response to hypertonicity (PubMed:10051678). Positively regulates the transcription of LCN2 and S100A4 genes; optimal transactivation of these genes requires the presence of DDX5/DDX17 (PubMed:22266867). Also involved in the DNA damage response by preventing formation of R-loops; R-loops are composed of a DNA:RNA hybrid and the associated non-template single-stranded DNA (PubMed:34049076).

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • NFAT5

UniProt ID

  • O94916
  • O94916-4
  • O94916-5

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