Methionine synthase reductase; Isoform A of Methionine synthase reductase

Key enzyme in methionine and folate homeostasis responsible for the reactivation of methionine synthase (MTR/MS) activity by catalyzing the reductive methylation of MTR-bound cob(II)alamin (PubMed:17892308). Cobalamin (vitamin B12) forms a complex with MTR to serve as an intermediary in methyl transfer reactions that cycles between MTR-bound methylcob(III)alamin and MTR bound-cob(I)alamin forms, and occasional oxidative escape of the cob(I)alamin intermediate during the catalytic cycle leads to the inactive cob(II)alamin species (Probable). The processing of cobalamin in the cytosol occurs in a multiprotein complex composed of at least MMACHC, MMADHC, MTRR and MTR which may contribute to shuttle safely and efficiently cobalamin towards MTR in order to produce methionine (PubMed:27771510). Also necessary for the utilization of methyl groups from the folate cycle, thereby affecting transgenerational epigenetic inheritance (By similarity). Also acts as a molecular chaperone for methionine synthase by stabilizing apoMTR and incorporating methylcob(III)alamin into apoMTR to form the holoenzyme (PubMed:16769880). Also serves as an aquacob(III)alamin reductase by reducing aquacob(III)alamin to cob(II)alamin; this reduction leads to stimulation of the conversion of apoMTR and aquacob(III)alamin to MTR holoenzyme (PubMed:16769880).

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • MTRR

UniProt ID

  • Q9UBK8

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