Endopeptidase that degrades various components of the extracellular matrix such as collagen (PubMed:8015608). Essential for pericellular collagenolysis and modeling of skeletal and extraskeletal connective tissues during development (By similarity). Activates progelatinase A/MMP2, thereby acting as a positive regulator of cell growth and migration (PubMed:22065321, PubMed:8015608). Involved in the formation of the fibrovascular tissues in association with pro-MMP2 (PubMed:12714657, PubMed:22065321). May be involved in actin cytoskeleton reorganization by cleaving PTK7 (PubMed:20837484). Acts as a regulator of Notch signaling by mediating cleavage and inhibition of DLL1 (PubMed:21572390). Cleaves ADGRB1 to release vasculostatin-40 which inhibits angiogenesis (PubMed:22330140). Acts as a negative regulator of the GDF15-GFRAL aversive response by mediating cleavage and inactivation of GFRAL (PubMed:35177851).

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • MMP14

UniProt ID

  • P50281

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