
Mitogen-activated protein kinase 15; Isoform 3 of Mitogen-activated protein kinase 15; Isoform 2 of Mitogen-activated protein kinase 15

Atypical MAPK protein that regulates several process such as autophagy, ciliogenesis, protein trafficking/secretion and genome integrity, in a kinase activity-dependent manner (PubMed:20733054, PubMed:21847093, PubMed:22948227, PubMed:24618899, PubMed:29021280). Controls both, basal and starvation-induced autophagy throught its interaction with GABARAP, MAP1LC3B and GABARAPL1 leading to autophagosome formation, SQSTM1 degradation and reduced MAP1LC3B inhibitory phosphorylation (PubMed:22948227). Regulates primary cilium formation and the localization of ciliary proteins involved in cilium structure, transport, and signaling (PubMed:29021280). Prevents the relocation of the sugar-adding enzymes from the Golgi to the endoplasmic reticulum, thereby restricting the production of sugar-coated proteins (PubMed:24618899). Upon amino-acid starvation, mediates transitional endoplasmic reticulum site disassembly and inhibition of secretion (PubMed:21847093). Binds to chromatin leading to MAPK15 activation and interaction with PCNA, that which protects genomic integrity by inhibiting MDM2-mediated degradation of PCNA (PubMed:20733054). Regulates DA transporter (DAT) activity and protein expression via activation of RhoA (PubMed:28842414). In response to H(2)O(2) treatment phosphorylates ELAVL1, thus preventing it from binding to the PDCD4 3’UTR and rendering the PDCD4 mRNA accessible to miR-21 and leading to its degradation and loss of protein expression (PubMed:26595526). Also functions in a kinase activity-independent manner as a negative regulator of growth (By similarity). Phosphorylates in vitro FOS and MBP (PubMed:11875070, PubMed:16484222, PubMed:19166846, PubMed:20638370). During oocyte maturation, plays a key role in the microtubule organization and meiotic cell cycle progression in oocytes, fertilized eggs, and early embryos (By similarity). Interacts with ESRRA promoting its re-localization from the nucleus to the cytoplasm and then prevents its transcriptional activity (PubMed:21190936).

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • MAPK15

UniProt ID

  • Q8TD08
  • Q8TD08-3

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