Metabotropic receptor for glycine that controls synapse formation and function in the brain (PubMed:36996198). Acts as an atypical G-protein coupled receptor that recruits and regulates the RGS7-GNB5 complex instead of activating G proteins (PubMed:31189666, PubMed:36996198). In absence of glycine ligand, promotes the GTPase activator activity of RGS7, increasing the GTPase activity of G protein alpha subunits, thereby driving them into their inactive GDP-bound form (PubMed:36996198). Glycine-binding changes the conformation of the intracellular surface, inhibiting the GTPase activator activity of the RGS7-GNB5 complex, promoting G protein alpha subunits into their active GTP-bound form and regulating cAMP levels (PubMed:36996198). Also able to bind taurine, a compound closely related to glycine, but with a two-fold lower affinity (PubMed:36996198). Glycine receptor-dependent regulation of cAMP controls key ion channels, kinases and neurotrophic factors involved in neuronal excitability and synaptic transmission (PubMed:36996198). Plays a pivotal role in regulating mood and cognition via its ability to regulate neuronal excitability in L2/L3 pyramidal neurons of the prefrontal cortex (By similarity). Also involved in spatial learning by regulating hippocampal CA1 neuronal excitability (By similarity). Acts as a synaptic organizer in the hippocampus, required for proper mossy fiber-CA3 neurocircuitry establishment, structure and function: induces presynaptic differentiation in contacting axons via its interaction with GPC4 (By similarity). In addition to glycine, may also act as a receptor for osteocalcin (BGLAP) hormone: osteocalcin-binding initiates a signaling response that prevents neuronal apoptosis in the hippocampus and regulates the synthesis of neurotransmitters (By similarity).

Matrix Type

  • Plasma

Gene Symbol

  • GPR158

UniProt ID

  • Q5T848

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