Acts as a component of the MCM2-7 complex (MCM complex) which is the replicative helicase essential for ‘once per cell cycle’ DNA replication initiation and elongation in eukaryotic cells. Core component of CDC45-MCM-GINS (CMG) helicase, the molecular machine that unwinds template DNA during replication, and around which the replisome is built (PubMed:32453425, PubMed:34694004, PubMed:34700328, PubMed:35585232). The active ATPase sites in the MCM2-7 ring are formed through the interaction surfaces of two neighboring subunits such that a critical structure of a conserved arginine finger motif is provided in trans relative to the ATP-binding site of the Walker A box of the adjacent subunit. The six ATPase active sites, however, are likely to contribute differentially to the complex helicase activity (PubMed:32453425). Required for the entry in S phase and for cell division (PubMed:8175912). Plays a role in terminally differentiated hair cells development of the cochlea and induces cells apoptosis (PubMed:26196677).

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • MCM2

UniProt ID

  • P49736

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