Zinc metalloprotease that mediates intramembrane proteolysis of proteins such as ATF6, ATF6B, SREBF1/SREBP1 and SREBF2/SREBP2 (PubMed:10805775, PubMed:11163209). Catalyzes the second step in the proteolytic activation of the sterol regulatory element-binding proteins (SREBPs) SREBF1/SREBP1 and SREBF2/SREBP2: cleaves SREBPs within the first transmembrane segment, thereby releasing the N-terminal segment with a portion of the transmembrane segment attached (PubMed:10805775, PubMed:27380894, PubMed:9659902). Mature N-terminal SREBP fragments shuttle to the nucleus and activate gene transcription (PubMed:10805775, PubMed:27380894, PubMed:9659902). Also mediates the second step in the proteolytic activation of the cyclic AMP-dependent transcription factor ATF-6 (ATF6 and ATF6B) (PubMed:11163209). Involved in intramembrane proteolysis during bone formation (PubMed:27380894). In astrocytes and osteoblasts, upon DNA damage and ER stress, mediates the second step of the regulated intramembrane proteolytic activation of the transcription factor CREB3L1, leading to the inhibition of cell-cycle progression (PubMed:16417584).

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • MBTPS2

UniProt ID

  • O43462

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