Endocytic receptor involved in endocytosis and in phagocytosis of apoptotic cells (PubMed:11907044, PubMed:12713657). Required for early embryonic development (By similarity). Involved in cellular lipid homeostasis. Involved in the plasma clearance of chylomicron remnants and activated LRPAP1 (alpha 2-macroglobulin), as well as the local metabolism of complexes between plasminogen activators and their endogenous inhibitors. Acts as an LRPAP1 alpha-2-macroglobulin receptor (PubMed:1702392, PubMed:26142438). Acts as TAU/MAPT receptor and controls the endocytosis of TAU/MAPT as well as its subsequent spread (PubMed:32296178). May modulate cellular events, such as APP metabolism, kinase-dependent intracellular signaling, neuronal calcium signaling as well as neurotransmission (PubMed:12888553). ; (Microbial infection) Functions as a receptor for Pseudomonas aeruginosa exotoxin A.

Associated with:

Matrix Type

  • Plasma
  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • LRP1

UniProt ID

  • Q07954

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