Catalyzes the irreversible transamination of the L-tryptophan metabolite L-kynurenine to form kynurenic acid (KA), an intermediate in the tryptophan catabolic pathway which is also a broad spectrum antagonist of the three ionotropic excitatory amino acid receptors among others (PubMed:19338303, PubMed:28097769). Also metabolizes the cysteine conjugates of certain halogenated alkenes and alkanes to form reactive metabolites (PubMed:7883047). Catalyzes the beta-elimination of S-conjugates and Se-conjugates of L-(seleno)cysteine, resulting in the cleavage of the C-S or C-Se bond (PubMed:7883047).

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • KYAT1

UniProt ID

  • Q16773

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