Translation factor that promotes translation elongation and termination, particularly upon ribosome stalling at specific amino acid sequence contexts (PubMed:33547280). Binds between the exit (E) and peptidyl (P) site of the ribosome and promotes rescue of stalled ribosome: specifically required for efficient translation of polyproline-containing peptides as well as other motifs that stall the ribosome (By similarity). Acts as a ribosome quality control (RQC) cofactor by joining the RQC complex to facilitate peptidyl transfer during CAT tailing step (By similarity). Also involved in actin dynamics and cell cycle progression, mRNA decay and probably in a pathway involved in stress response and maintenance of cell wall integrity (PubMed:16987817). With syntenin SDCBP, functions as a regulator of p53/TP53 and p53/TP53-dependent apoptosis (PubMed:15371445). Regulates also TNF-alpha-mediated apoptosis (PubMed:15452064, PubMed:17187778). Mediates effects of polyamines on neuronal process extension and survival (PubMed:17360499). Is required for autophagy by assisting the ribosome in translating the ATG3 protein at a specific amino acid sequence, the ‘ASP-ASP-Gly’ motif, leading to the increase of the efficiency of ATG3 translation and facilitation of LC3B lipidation and autophagosome formation (PubMed:29712776). ; (Microbial infection) Cellular cofactor of human T-cell leukemia virus type I (HTLV-1) Rex protein and of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Rev protein, essential for mRNA export of retroviral transcripts.

Matrix Type

  • Plasma
  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • EIF5A

UniProt ID

  • P63241

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