Acts as an adapter protein linking the dynein motor complex to various cargos and converts dynein from a non-processive to a highly processive motor in the presence of dynactin. Facilitates the interaction between dynein and dynactin and activates dynein processivity (the ability to move along a microtubule for a long distance without falling off the track). Predominantly recruits 2 dyneins, which increases both the force and speed of the microtubule motor (PubMed:25035494, PubMed:33734450). Component of the FTS/Hook/FHIP complex (FHF complex). The FHF complex may function to promote vesicle trafficking and/or fusion via the homotypic vesicular protein sorting complex (the HOPS complex). May regulate clearance of endocytosed receptors such as MSR1. Participates in defining the architecture and localization of the Golgi complex. FHF complex promotes the distribution of AP-4 complex to the perinuclear area of the cell (PubMed:32073997). ; (Microbial infection) May serve as a target for the spiC protein from Salmonella typhimurium, which inactivates it, leading to a strong alteration in cellular trafficking.

Associated with:

Matrix Type

  • Plasma
  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • HOOK3

UniProt ID

  • Q86VS8

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