Exhibits adenosine 5′-monophosphoramidase activity, hydrolyzing purine nucleotide phosphoramidates with a single phosphate group such as adenosine 5’monophosphoramidate (AMP-NH2) to yield AMP and NH2 (PubMed:16762638, PubMed:31990367). Hydrolyzes adenosine 5′-O-p-nitrophenylphosphoramidate (AMP-pNA) (PubMed:16762638). Hydrolyzes fluorogenic purine nucleoside tryptamine phosphoramidates in vitro (PubMed:31990367). May be involved in steroid biosynthesis (PubMed:18653718). May play a role in apoptosis (PubMed:16762638).

Matrix Type

  • Plasma
  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • HINT2

UniProt ID

  • Q9BX68

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