As part of the heme biosynthetic pathway, catalyzes the sequential polymerization of four molecules of porphobilinogen to form hydroxymethylbilane, also known as preuroporphyrinogen (PubMed:18004775, PubMed:18936296, PubMed:19138865, PubMed:23815679). Catalysis begins with the assembly of the dipyrromethane cofactor by the apoenzyme from two molecules of porphobilinogen or from preuroporphyrinogen. The covalently linked cofactor acts as a primer, around which the tetrapyrrole product is assembled. In the last step of catalysis, the product, preuroporphyrinogen, is released, leaving the cofactor bound to the holodeaminase intact (PubMed:18936296).

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • HMBS

UniProt ID

  • P08397

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