Polyamine deacetylase HDAC10; Isoform 2 of Polyamine deacetylase HDAC10

Polyamine deacetylase (PDAC), which acts preferentially on N(8)-acetylspermidine, and also on acetylcadaverine and acetylputrescine (PubMed:28516954). Exhibits attenuated catalytic activity toward N(1),N(8)-diacetylspermidine and very low activity, if any, toward N(1)-acetylspermidine (PubMed:28516954). Histone deacetylase activity has been observed in vitro (PubMed:11677242, PubMed:11726666, PubMed:11739383, PubMed:11861901). Has also been shown to be involved in MSH2 deacetylation (PubMed:26221039). The physiological relevance of protein/histone deacetylase activity is unclear and could be very weak (PubMed:28516954). May play a role in the promotion of late stages of autophagy, possibly autophagosome-lysosome fusion and/or lysosomal exocytosis in neuroblastoma cells (PubMed:23801752, PubMed:29968769). May play a role in homologous recombination (PubMed:21247901). May promote DNA mismatch repair (PubMed:26221039).

Associated with:

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol

  • HDAC10

UniProt ID

  • Q969S8

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