[Gasdermin-E]: Precursor of a pore-forming protein that converts non-inflammatory apoptosis to pyroptosis (PubMed:27281216, PubMed:28459430, PubMed:33852854, PubMed:35594856, PubMed:36607699). This form constitutes the precursor of the pore-forming protein: upon cleavage, the released N-terminal moiety (Gasdermin-E, N-terminal) binds to membranes and forms pores, triggering pyroptosis (PubMed:28459430). ; [Gasdermin-E, N-terminal]: Pore-forming protein produced by cleavage by CASP3 or granzyme B (GZMB), which converts non-inflammatory apoptosis to pyroptosis or promotes granzyme-mediated pyroptosis, respectively (PubMed:27281216, PubMed:28459430, PubMed:32188940, PubMed:33852854, PubMed:35594856). After cleavage, moves to the plasma membrane, homooligomerizes within the membrane and forms pores of 10-15 nanometers (nm) of inner diameter, allowing the release of mature interleukins (IL1B and IL16) and triggering pyroptosis (PubMed:28459430, PubMed:32188940, PubMed:33852854, PubMed:35594856). Binds to inner leaflet lipids, bisphosphorylated phosphatidylinositols, such as phosphatidylinositol (4,5)-bisphosphate (PubMed:28459430). Cleavage by CASP3 switches CASP3-mediated apoptosis induced by TNF or danger signals, such as chemotherapy drugs, to pyroptosis (PubMed:27281216, PubMed:28459430, PubMed:32188940). Mediates secondary necrosis downstream of the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway and CASP3 activation as well as in response to viral agents (PubMed:28045099). Exhibits bactericidal activity (PubMed:27281216). Cleavage by GZMB promotes tumor suppressor activity by triggering robust anti-tumor immunity (PubMed:21522185, PubMed:32188940). Suppresses tumors by mediating granzyme-mediated pyroptosis in target cells of natural killer (NK) cells: cleavage by granzyme B (GZMB), delivered to target cells from NK-cells, triggers pyroptosis of tumor cells and tumor suppression (PubMed:31953257, PubMed:32188940). May play a role in the p53/TP53-regulated cellular response to DNA damage (PubMed:16897187). ; [Gasdermin-E, N-terminal]: (Microbial infection) Pore-forming protein, which promotes maternal placental pyroptosis in response to Zika virus infection, contributing to adverse fetal outcomes.

Matrix Type

  • Tissue/Cells

Gene Symbol


UniProt ID

  • O60443

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